Welcome to Jeremy Anderson's Linux class pages. Click on the appropriate link to the left for any given class.
General Info
- Excellent Linux documentation
- Help with Shell scripting
- Here is a good pronunciation guide for all those funny * ! & < > Unix symbols you run across. It's mildly humorous, too.
- HERE is why I like bash & ksh better than csh
- a good vi tutorial
- Mike Monsour's Word Doc of Linux & Unix commands.
- Home of Ubuntu Linux, as used in the desktop linux class
- Fedore Core, as used in Linux Admin 1, 2 and sometimes 3
- Home of MySQL, as used in CCIS 2701
- Stay on top of all the different Linux distributions. Free downloads available.
MS Windows
- vim v6.4 for MS Windows
- The latest version of putty for win9x and win2k/winXP, and excellent SSHv1/v2 client
- Complete Linux utilities for your Windows system, including an Xwindows server
- utilities to make your windows machine more unix-like. This is a Win9x only thing, use at your own risk.
Other stuff
- The shell scripts I use (poorly documented, mind you) for setting up Xen on FC6 for my students
- The summary writeup for my Xen Award of Excellence at Hennepin Technical College
- MacSSH for PowerPC, compliments of Joe Kaul.
- I was an author on Multitool Linux. Through amazon.com, you can get used copies for as little as $1.85. That's a great deal.
- Questions should be directed as issues to https://github.com/andersje/class_base
All material written by Jeremy Anderson on this site is copyrighted. I used to have a scary copyright notice on this stuff, but I took it down. Heck, if you steal it from me, I'll probably never know. Please don't. I ask only that you cite me as the source of material upon which you do not improve. If you end up writing out the world's greatest Linux textbook, then I'd appreciate it if you'd send me a copy, and maybe mention me briefly somewhere as a guy who gave you a starting point. Happy trails :)